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Deprecation Guide for classBinding and classNameBindings as args in templates

until: 4.0.0
id: class-binding-and-class-name-bindings-in-templates

classBinding and classNameBindings can currently be passed as arguments to components that are invoked with curly invocation. These allow users to conditionally bind values to the class argument using a microsyntax similar to the one that can be defined in a Classic component's class body:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  classNameBindings: ['isValid:is-valid:is-invalid']
{{my-component classNameBindings="isValid:is-valid:is-invalid"}}

Each binding is a triplet separated by colons. The first identifier in the triplet is the value that the class name should be bound to, the second identifier is the name of the class to add if the bound value is truthy, and the third value is the name to bind if the value is falsy.

These bindings are additive - they add to the existing bindings that are on the class, rather than replacing them. Multiple bindings can also be passed in by separating them with a space:

  classNameBindings="some.boundProperty isValid:is-valid:is-invalid"

These bindings can be converted into passing a concatenated string into the class argument of the component, using inline if to reproduce the same behavior. This is most conveniently done by converting the component to use angle-bracket invocation at the same time.


  classNameBindings="some.boundProperty isValid:is-valid:is-invalid"


    {{if this.foo "bar"}}
    {{if this.some.boundProperty "bound-property"}}
    {{if this.isValid "is-valid" "is-invalid"}}

Note that we are passing in the class attribute, not the class argument. In most cases, this should work exactly the same as previously. If you referenced the class argument inside of your component, however, you will need to pass @class instead.

If you do not want to convert to angle bracket syntax for some reason, the same thing can be accomplished with the (concat) helper in curly invocation.

    (if this.foo "bar")
    " "
    (if this.some.boundProperty "bound-property")
    " "
    (if this.isValid "is-valid" "is-invalid")