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Deprecation Guide for Use closure actions instead of sendAction

until: 4.0.0
id: ember-component.send-action

In Ember 1.13 closure actions were introduced as a recommended replacement for sendAction. With sendAction the developer passes the name of an action, and when sendAction is called Ember.js would look up that action in the parent context and invoke it if present. This had a handful of caveats:

  • Since the action is not looked up until it's about to be invoked, it's easier for a typo in the action's name to go undetected.

  • Using sendAction you cannot receive the return value of the invoked action.

Closure actions solve those problems and on top are also more intuitive to use.

export default Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    sendData(data) {
      fetch('/endpoint', { body: JSON.stringify(data) });
{{my-component submit="sendData"}}

Should be changed to:

export default Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    sendData(data) {
      fetch('/endpoint', { body: JSON.stringify(data) });
{{my-component submit=(action "sendData")}}
export default Component.extend({
  click() {

Note that with this approach the component MUST receive that submit property, while with sendAction if it didn't it would silently do nothing.

If you don't want submit to be mandatory, you have to check for the presence of the action before calling it:

export default Component.extend({
  click() {
    if (this.submit) {

Another alternative is to define an empty action on the component, which helps clarify that the function is not mandatory:

export default Component.extend({
  submit: () => {},
  click() {

This deprecation also affects the built-in {{input}} helper that used to allow passing actions as strings:

{{input enter="handleEnter"}}

Since this uses sendAction underneath it is also deprecated and must also be replaced by closure actions:

{{input enter=(action "handleEnter")}}