« All deprecation guides

Deprecation Guide for HandlerInfos Removal

until: 3.9.0
id: remove-handler-infos

HandlerInfo was a private API that has been renamed to RouteInfo to align with the router service RFC. If you need access to information about the routes, you are probably better served injecting the router service as it exposes a publically supported version of the RouteInfos. You can access them in the following ways:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({
  router: service(),
  init() {
    this.router.on('routeWillChange', transition => {
      let { to: toRouteInfo, from: fromRouteInfo } = transition;
      console.log(`Transitioning from -> ${fromRouteInfo.name}`);
      console.log(`to -> ${toRouteInfo.name}`);

    this.router.on('routeDidChange', transition => {
      let { to: toRouteInfo, from: fromRouteInfo } = transition;
      console.log(`Transitioned from -> ${fromRouteInfo.name}`);
      console.log(`to -> ${toRouteInfo.name}`);

  actions: {
    sendAnalytics() {
      let routeInfo = this.router.currentRoute;
      ga.send('pageView', {
        pageName: routeInfo.name,
        metaData: {
          queryParams: routeInfo.queryParams,
          params: routeInfo.params,